Awareness matters.

A blog about all things mental health and wellness.

ATSO also offers mental health guides, coping skills, awareness posts, guidance, products, and more!

Want to support our mission?

Want to help support our mental health advocacy work and show your stubborn optimist spirit? Head over to our ATSO Shop to check out our products for better mental health and smashing the stigma.

It’s okay to not be okay!

The world is a messy place, filled with ups and downs. It is completely natural for you to have ups and downs too.

Above all, you are not alone in your mental health journey, and ATSO is here for you.

We are stubborn optimists and together, we will make it to tomorrow.

All mental health questions are welcome!

ATSO is here for you through the good, the bad, and the rock bottom. Your voice, opinions, and YOU matter.

Looking for specific mental health resources? Visit our free Mental Health Resource Library!

Mental Health Charities & Hotlines To Check Out!

Links and connections to more resources, organizations, and charities dedicated to helping others with mental health and wellness. It is healthy to ask for help, and there will always be people who want to help. You are wanted and needed here. We hope these resources help. You are loved.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQIA+ young people and make the world a more loving and welcoming place. They also offer 24/7 crisis counseling.

To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA)

TWLOHA is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

The Jed Foundation (JED)

JED is a nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive today and tomorrow.

Share the Love with Our Favorite Charities!

Women’s March

Women’s March is committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity, and respect.

Feeding America

When you support Feeding America, you are helping their nationwide network of food banks deliver food directly to those most in need. You can also fundraise and volunteer for Feeding America.

Rainforest Trust

The Rainforest Trust has demonstrated that safeguarding critical habitat is the most effective way to protect nature and endangered and vulnerable species. They work with local partners to develop projects aimed at securing vital habitat.

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation focuses on saving the Great Barrier Reef and all its living diversity for future generations. They focus on protecting wildlife, improving water quality, plus protecting the reef and coral itself.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital consistently makes breakthroughs in scientific discoveries regarding children’s cancer. Families never have to pay a bill for treatment, travel, housing, or food.

Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF)

BCRF is dedicated to ending breast cancer by actively researching and advancing cures and treatments around the world. BCRF helps people with breast cancer live longer and happier lives.

Global Empowerment Mission (GEM)

GEM specializes in providing relief and help to those in need. GEM focuses on those most affected by disasters and crises around the world. Check out their website to see more of the amazing work they are doing around the world.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

ASPCA is dedicated to preventing cruelty against animals. They help in many ways, like with shelter intake, surrenders, hoarding situations, medical care needs, ending puppy mills, and improving laws for animals.

Grassroots Law Project

Grassroots Law Project combines the best of grassroots organizations with legal expertise to make real positive change in our world. Their focus is criminal justice reform.

One Simple Wish

One Simple Wish is an amazing organization that allows children and young people in foster care to post their wishes, and caring donors like yourself can grant them!

Share the Love with Petitions to Inspire Change

Greenpeace International

Greenpeace International works towards a greener and more peaceful world by holding accountable the systems that threaten our environment. Their website is a great resource for climate news, petitions, and more information on how to get involved. connects you to people and causes all around the world. You can browse petitions by category, and can even start your own petition. also has a team of petition experts to help give you advice on how to get started!

Share the Love by Volunteering

Your local animal shelter!

Have some old towels and sheets that you don’t use anymore, but are still in fair condition? Donate them to your local animal shelter for the animals to use! Ask about their volunteering options, or if there are any supplies they currently need that you could buy. Anything helps!

Your local food bank!

Buy some extra groceries you don’t need? See a great deal on non-perishables you can buy? Donate them to your local food bank! They may also need your help with restocking and reorganizing all of the products.

Pick up plogging!

Plogging is when you go on a jog or walk, but bring a bag for trash with you. Pick up any trash plus recyclables you see along the way, and throw them all out at the end of your jog or walk. You get some sunshine serotonin, and can feel great knowing you are helping the environment! Just make sure to thoroughly rinse off and clean yourself afterward.

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