ATSO’s focus is on mental health and helping others on their mental health journeys. These posts are designed to help others along their mental health journey. Here is where you will find blog posts for mental health tips and tricks, coping mechanisms, guides, cheatsheets, and answers to your mental health questions. This page is for the mental health community, those looking to help their mentally ill loved ones, and anyone looking for motivation and encouragement to keep going. Please let us know if there are any more topics or common questions you would like for us to cover. Thank you!
I am continuously updating this website and adding new blog posts. If there are any questions or topics you would like me to cover, please let me know! There is no question too small or too big, and I hope you feel comfortable enough to ask me anything. No question is off of the table, your identity will remain anonymous, and I will not judge. I am here to listen and offer any help I can.

Hope you enjoy our blog posts!

Always yours, ATSO