saying no
Saying no can be tough to do, especially if we need to say “no” to someone […]
feel your feelings mental health habits
Mental illnesses can often get in the way of life and daily activities. That’s why positive […]
Eco-anxiety, while not widely discussed, is, in my opinion as a professional mental health advocate, widely […]
News anxiety and stress
In this cellular age, we are constantly exposed to the world’s news, all within reach at […]
La Llorona mental health history
TW: murder, loss, suicide Tragedy has struck again. My heart stopped when I first came across […]
Coping skills
Coping skills are the key to long-term mental health success. Especially if you, like me, live […]
I have anywhere between 1-5 nights of insomnia per month and have had insomnia for many […]
Thrive products
THRIVE experience, a premium nutritional system that gives you essential nutrients, amino acids, trace elements, and […]
Best crystals for your mental health, and crystals for your different mental health needs! Organized by […]
It's okay if you need meds every day
Some products really will make a positive difference in your daily mental health. Having the necessary […]
Instead of self harm, try these 14 more positive and safer alternatives that can provide you […]
Keeping both you and your space organized can feel like an olympic task when dealing with […]