Our bodies often give us signs when we need to take a mental health break, process our feelings, or are feeling overwhelmed. Knowing how to interpret these signs from our bodies can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

ways our bodies tell us we need a mental health break

’11 ways our bodies tell us we need a mental health break’ graphic by Kenise, ATSO

When I first started on my mental health journey over 10 years ago, my therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists all told me that to better manage and understand my mental health, I had to listen to my body for signs. Now I have nothing but great things to say about most of my past mental health providers, but whenever I would ask what they meant by this and what specific signs I needed to look for, I’d always get a vague answer and a “You’ll know when you know”. This answer infuriated me and made me feel pretty hopeless because I remember thinking to myself, “How am I supposed to know something I don’t know?!”

One of the reasons I founded ATSO was to share all the tips and tricks I’ve learned along my mental health journey to make others’ mental health journeys easier. So because I wish this list had existed when I was starting on my mental health journey and learning how to listen to the signs my body gave me, here is my list for you!

Here we go! 11 ways our bodies tell us we need a mental health break:

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1. Pimples on your jawline, chin, and upper neck mean you are more stressed than usual.

pimple meaning, sign from our bodies

‘Pimples on your jawline, chin, and upper neck mean you are more stressed than usual’ graphic by Kenise, ATSO

Our bodies communicate to us in many different ways, and one of these ways is through pimple placement. Pimples on our jawline, chin, and upper neck will appear due to hormone imbalances in our bodies, and studies have shown that stress affects our hormones which can upset our natural hormone balance. So if you notice pimples popping up on your jawline, chin, or upper neck, then take this as a sign from your body that you are more stressed than usual and need a break.

2. You’re clenching your jaw more.

clenching jaw, stressed, sign from bodies

‘You’re clenching your jaw more’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

Clenching our jaw and grinding our teeth can be a sign from our bodies that we are feeling stressed, anxious, angry, or overwhelmed. If you notice your jaw is clenched often, take this as a sign that you need to make some time to destress and feel your feelings. When you do notice your jaw clenching, take a moment to relax your jaw, shoulders, and neck, and decompress.

If you want help to relax in the moment, our partner Calmware makes our favorite relaxation and grounding tools that use psychology-backed techniques to activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous center AKA our relaxation system for maximum relief!

3. Your weight changes by more than a few pounds even though you have made no changes to your eating or exercise habits.

weight changes due to stress

‘Your weight changes more than a few pounds even though you have made no changes to your eating or exercise habits’ graphic by Kenise, ATSO

Some of our bodies carry extra weight when we are stressed and some of our bodies lose extra weight when we are stressed. I have found that our stress levels can cause our bodies to carry our weight differently, so if you notice this change and it is not accompanied by a menstrual period or changes to your eating or exercise habits, then take this as a sign from your body that you are stressed and probably feeling overwhelmed.

4. You’re having more trouble falling asleep than normal.

can't sleep

‘Me at 3 am cause I still can’t fall asleep even though I’m exhausted’ meme by Sara, ATSO

This is relative because if you’re like me and have insomnia, then your sleep schedule is already a little wonky. If you notice you are having more trouble falling asleep than usual, then this is a sign from your body that your mental health needs some extra love.

Having more trouble falling asleep than normal can be a sign from our bodies that we are anxious and our mental health needs attention, and it can also be a sign that we need to set better boundaries with ourselves when it comes to our bedtime routine. The latter is especially true if one of your guilty pleasures, like me, is bedtime procrastination.

5. You find yourself tripping and bumping into things more.

signs from our bodies, tripping

‘You find yourself tripping and bumping into things more’ graphic by Kenise, ATSO

Tripping and bumping into things often can be a sign from our bodies that we are trying to do too many things at once, are tired, and need to take a break. This sign from our bodies also tends to be a lasting one, so if you notice you have more bruises than usual, this is also a sign from your body you need to take a break and focus on yourself for a bit.

6. You’re losing your appetite even though you want to eat.

loss of appetite, sign from our bodies

‘You’re losing your appetite even though you want to eat’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

This one can be very frustrating because it is confusing when you want to eat but for some reason, your body just doesn’t. If you struggle with eating disorders, then definitely speak to a professional first if you notice a loss of appetite, but if you don’t have eating disorders, then take this as a sign from your body that you need to show your mental health some extra care.

To get your appetite going again and to ensure you are still consuming enough calories to fuel yourself, I recommend drinking smoothies or caloric drinks, which will help ease you back into eating bigger meals and your normal routines.

7. The veins in your forehead are standing out more.

forehead veins, stressed, sign from our bodies

‘The veins in your forehead are standing out more’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

Sometimes I’ll be powering through a stressful period and think I’m doing fine, and then I’ll see a picture of myself or look in the mirror and notice the veins in my forehead are popping out and more defined than usual. Defined veins in our forehead even when our faces are resting can be a sign from our bodies that we are stressed, overwhelmed, faced with too many decisions, and need some extra sleep and mental health rest.

8. Your chest feels tight like there’s a weight on it.

signs from our bodies, stressed, overwhelmed

‘Our bodies will let us know when we need a break’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

If you are at risk of cardiovascular diseases or conditions, then it’s better to be safe than sorry and contact a medical provider first if your chest feels tight. But if you aren’t at risk of cardiovascular conditions and you don’t have asthma or are currently suffering from allergies, then a tight chest where it feels like there’s a constant weight on it is a sign from your body that your anxiety is flaring. It can also be a sign that you feel you are being suppressed like you are not able to fully express yourself, or that you are feeling overwhelmed like too much is being demanded of you.

9. Your neck and shoulders feel tight and stiff.

neck and shoulders tight from stress, sign from bodies

‘Your neck and shoulders feel tight and stiff’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

Our shoulders and neck are where many of us store stress in our bodies. This often happens along with clenching our jaw, and both are signs from our bodies that we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Constant stiffness in our neck and shoulders can also indicate that we are consistently stressed and there is probably something in our daily routine that is adding to our stress. If possible remove the stressor, but if not, while a good massage can help, making time to care for your mental health and relax can help give you more lasting relief.

10. You’re experiencing more headaches and feeling a lot of pressure in your temples.

headaches and tension in temples

‘You’re experiencing more headaches and feeling a lot of pressure in your temples’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

Headaches and pressure in our temples can be a sign from our bodies that we are experiencing extra anxiety and need to take time to express our feelings. This sign from our bodies typically means that we need to have a good cry, but it can be difficult to start crying if we haven’t cried in a while. To help get a good cry going, I recommend setting the scene with comfy surroundings, a big glass of water, tissues, and a show/movie/album that pulls at your emotions and makes you cry. If that doesn’t work, you can try getting a good sweat going, stretching, staring, or creatively expressing yourself, all of which can help make crying afterward easier.

If you’re looking for help regulating your emotions and healing, our friend Coach Ashley offers a Nervous System Regulation and Healing MasterClass to help you learn to manage stress and avoid burnout. Use our code ‘NOBURNOUT’ at checkout!

11. You’re feeling sluggish and your limbs feel heavy.

feeling sluggish

‘You’re feeling sluggish and your limbs feel heavy’ graphic by Sara, ATSO

This sign from our bodies often happens alongside bumping into things more and finding more bruises since when our limbs feel sluggish and heavy we may not feel like we have great control over our movements. Feeling sluggish can be a sign from our bodies that we are overtired, need a break, and may be feeling disconnected. It can also be a sign that we are getting too much sleep, and are not feeling invigorated enough by our current daily routine.

While sleeping extra right away can be helpful, I find that reconnecting with your body first, like by working out or dancing, and then sleeping for 8-10 hours can be even more restorative and helpful. Need better workout gear? Our partner SheFIT makes sports bras from cup sizes A – I that let you personalize your fit and level of support for your most empowering sports bra yet!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have found this list helpful! ATSO is here for you at every step of your mental health journey and we are happy to answer any of your mental health questions, big and small.

Always yours,

Sara, ATSO

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